Increased Flexibility in Modern Education

In 2016, a special day was designated to honor the accomplishments of online learners and the educators who support them. Every year on September 15th, National Online Learning Day in the U.S. celebrates the flexibility and accessibility that online education provides.

The online learning landscape has evolved significantly, transitioning from traditional online learning to hybrid learning, and in recent years to hybrid-flexible (HyFlex) learning, which empowers students to select their preferred learning mode, whether it’s in-person, real-time online (synchronous), or self-paced online (asynchronous).

Thanks to advancements in technology and the ability to provide learners with a personalized and adaptive learning experience, HyFlex has become a go-to solution for students of all ages to achieve their academic goals, from earning high school diplomas to completing college degrees. And with the integration of micro-certifications and blockchain technology, HyFlex also allows students to earn secure, verifiable micro-credentials through bite-sized learning modules, making skills acquisition more accessible, efficient, and transparent.

The COVID-19 pandemic and a shift to remote and hybrid work modes have been major catalysts for the growth of HyFlex. In 2022, over half (54%), or about 10 million, U.S. college students took at least one online class. Meanwhile, judging by the number of students accessing Coursera, an online learning platform, large numbers of learners and the highest growth rates are to be found in emerging economies such as India, Mexico, other countries in South America, and Southeast Asian nations.

While HyFlex learning offers many advantages, it also comes with its own set of challenges.

3 Challenges and Remedies

Here’s a look at three common disadvantages and some solutions to overcome them.

1.Lack of face-to-face interaction

With online learning, students can access course materials and lectures at their convenience, allowing them to balance their studies with work, family, and other commitments. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for adult learners who may have full-time jobs or other responsibilities.

However, one of the most significant drawbacks of online learning is the reduced opportunity for face-to-face interaction. In traditional classrooms, students benefit from direct engagement with peers and instructors, which fosters a sense of community and collaboration.

To mitigate this issue, educators can incorporate various interactive elements into their online courses, including:

  • Virtual group activities: Use breakout rooms in video conferencing tools to facilitate group projects and discussions.
  • Regular check-ins: Schedule one-on-one or small group meetings to provide personalized support and foster relationships.
  • Discussion forums: Create online discussion boards where students can share ideas, ask questions, and engage with one another outside of formal class time. This also amplifies an inherent advantage of online learning — the diversity of learning opportunities, allowing learners to explore their interests and passions in a way that may not be possible in a traditional classroom setting.

To emulate the in-person experience, high-quality cameras are well suited for better visual engagement, which helps to build rapport and trust. Additionally, visualizers (document cameras) further bridge the physical gap, allowing educators to display physical materials in real-time, enhancing understanding and retention of complex concepts and thus fostering a more connected learning environment.

2. Technical issues and distractions

While HyFlex offers students cost advantages in that they can save on commute costs, housing, and other expenses associated with attending a physical campus, technical issues can present a significant hindrance to the success of online classes, whether they are asynchronous or synchronous. These include patchy Internet connectivity; poor audio or video quality; platform incompatibility when using different devices, browsers, or operating systems; login and authentication problems; and hiccups with sharing screens when collaborating with others.

To minimize the impact of technical issues, educational institutions can take proactive measures such as:

  • Provide clear instructions: This may be easier said than done, but clear instructions that ordinary non-technical learners can understand and follow on how to access and launch the course are vital. Incorporating tool tips, help sections, and troubleshooting guides within the course goes a long way to resolving most technical issues.
  • Conducting technical checks, especially for synchronous learning: Remind students to test their equipment, software, and Internet connection before the start of the class. If there are technical issues, offer technical support to students, either through a dedicated support team or a technical support hotline.
  • Create backup plans: Encourage students to have contingency plans in place, such as alternative devices or locations with reliable Internet access, to ensure they can continue their studies without interruption.

For educators, investing in camera and audio equipment that is user-friendly and incorporates AI-powered features to optimize settings ensures high-quality video and audio outcomes. This enables them to focus on teaching rather than troubleshooting which angles are best to present for the camera or worry about sound quality. A well-recorded and organized archive of lessons also serves as a valuable resource for students who miss a live session, providing them with a reliable backup to review and catch up on material.

3. Self-motivation and discipline

HyFlex learning allows for access to a personalized learning experience — students can progress at their own pace, revisit challenging concepts, and focus on areas where they need improvement. As a result, learners can take ownership of their education and develop a deeper understanding of the material.

That said, online learning requires a high level of self-discipline and time management skills. Without the structured environment of a physical classroom, some students may struggle to stay motivated, leading to procrastination and incomplete assignments.

Fundamentally, a commitment to teaching excellence and good teaching materials are essential to overcome this pitfall. Moreover, course providers could counsel and encourage students to adopt strategies that enhance their self-motivation and time management skills, including:

  • Set clear goals: Establish specific, achievable goals for each week or module to maintain focus and direction.
  • Create a schedule: Develop a consistent study schedule that mimics a traditional classroom routine, allocating specific times for lectures, assignments, and breaks.
  • Utilize productivity tools: Leverage apps and tools and techniques designed for time management — e.g., the Pomodoro technique — to stay organized and on track.

Instructors can also make lessons more dynamic, which can help maintain student interest and motivation, by incorporating videos, animations, and interactive elements. For example, AVer offers a range of software, such as AVerTouch, AVerTouch OCR, and A+ Suite plugins, that work with a visualizer to help instructors integrate live images, annotate, and do much more, making lessons more interactive and engaging for students.

The Upshot

While there are several potential disadvantages to HyFlex learning, understanding these challenges allows educators and students to implement effective strategies to overcome them. By fostering interaction, enhancing self-motivation, and addressing technical issues, the online learning experience can be significantly enriched. Furthermore, leveraging the capabilities of what the latest AV equipment has to offer enhances educators’ teaching effectiveness and creates a more engaging and inclusive learning environment. And that’s something worth celebrating on National Online Learning Day!


“2024 Online Learning Statistics”. Forbes. August 23, 2024.

“These 3 Charts Show the Global Growth in Online Learning”. World Economic Forum. January 22, 2022.

“The Pomodoro® Technique”.