The 2020 holiday season is finally upon us, and, like the portion of the year that’s already come and gone, it’s going to be a little different than usual. Halloween was nearly canceled in some places. Then there were socially distanced family gatherings for Thanksgiving, with more of the same expected for Christmas. So, you might want to put in some extra thought when it comes time to shop for gifts to give the distance learning teachers in your life.

Remote learning teachers are on the front lines keeping society moving forward through the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’d like to reward them for all their hard work this year, try one of these five gift ideas that will make online teaching life a bit better.

1. A Compact Visualizer

Teaching from home with just a laptop is doable. However, such a setup is not ideal for showing teaching materials or demonstrating step-by-step processes, since the laptop camera or webcam is fixed at the top of the screen and doesn’t offer overhead angles.

A compact, lightweight visualizer (like this one) is the perfect solution. An ideal choice for distance learning teachers will fold up to easily fit in a handbag or a desk drawer. Also, pick one with a highly adjustable camera head and mechanical arm that make switching between teaching materials and self-view a cinch.

2. A Premium Camera

Give your teachers the gift of better engagement with a high-quality camera to use in place of their laptop or PC cameras. One that offers 4K imaging and a wide FOV is best.

Premium imaging keeps teachers and their content looking sharp onscreen, rather than presenting a blurry view that makes it hard for students to focus. Also, a wide angle lets teachers step away from their desks and present material on whiteboards or give demonstrations. (Check out this video of a webcam/visualizer setup for inspiration.)

3. An Easel-Style Whiteboard

If you decide to give your favorite teachers wide-angle webcams, you might as well throw in easel-style whiteboards so they can make the most of their new devices. They'll be able to write notes and draw diagrams, just like they would in their traditional teaching spaces.

Also, Remote teachers typically don’t have a designated online teaching studio in their homes. Having a whiteboard they can easily move around lets them work from multiple spots as needed.

4. An Auto Tracking Camera

Our first three gift suggestions focus mainly on teachers working from home. This next idea is for distance learning teachers who are streaming from school facilities.

If you’re a school administrator, you could surprise your teachers by installing auto tracking cameras in their classrooms during the holiday break. They’ll love the freedom of being able to step away from a fixed camera angle and walk around the room interacting with students and educational displays—or even demonstrating exercises in the gym for PE class—all while the camera closely follows them.

5. A Coffee or Tea Subscription

Coffee and tea fuel teachers everywhere, whether they’re working in the classroom or broadcasting from home. Many schools provide liquid caffeine boosts as perks of the job, but online teachers working from home have to go out of pocket for their drinks.

A coffee or tea subscription is a thoughtful way to make sure teachers always have enough energy to get through grueling days of online classes. Here are some options to peruse.

Hopefully, this little list helps you finish your holiday shopping. But if you need some more ideas, click the button below and check out even more education technology that distance learning teachers are sure to love. And if your teachers are already fully supplied with equipment and caffeine, give them the gift of a big hug to say thank you for all their hard work—just make sure you wait until social distancing restrictions are lifted!