In a hybrid collaboration setting, meeting equity is a challenging problem to solve. For the most fruitful and enjoyable collaboration, everyone must feel included in the collaboration process, particularly the participants who are working remotely. Many things can affect the quality of collaboration, including the inability to see each other well and follow conversations. Following this logic, to maximize productivity and inclusivity of teamwork, in-person teamwork is the superior choice. But in this day and age—especially after the COVID pandemic—people have become accustomed to having more flexibility in the workplace.

Difficulty in Capturing All Participants Clearly with One Camera

However, there are certain situations that make capturing participants’ faces a tricky matter. For example, longer meeting tables or larger meeting spaces can make it hard for cameras to capture people’s faces due to distance and obstacles. Sometimes a person’s face is covered by another’s. When discussing matters, people may turn their heads toward different angles to look at different participants. Most unfortunate of all, unclear images are often simply a result of cameras with low-end specs.

Multi-Camera Conferencing Solutions

Many big names in video conferencing have noticed these problems and are determined to solve these pain points once and for all through multi-camera video conferencing products and solutions.

Single-Device Solutions

Video conferencing manufacturers are creating products with multiple cameras in one device aiming to capture attendees from different angles. Some are placed at the front of the room, such as the AVer CAM570 or the VB350, using a wide-angle camera to capture an overview of the room while using a PTZ camera to capture speaking attendees. Others are placed on the meeting table in a small to medium-sized meeting room, capturing participants around the meeting table with either multiple wide-angle, fish-eye, or 360° lenses. When one device has multiple cameras on it, it is often the simpler choice as the user only has to purchase one device and setup one device, making purchasing and setup a simple process.

Multi-Device Solutions

However, a new type of solution is emerging these days, where multiple camera products are placed in different parts of the room. These cameras are integrated through Zoom Intelligent Director, an AI feature in Zoom that employs AI to choose the best camera angle of the on-site meeting attendees. With multiple high-end cameras in the room, participants in the meeting room can be seen by remote attendees in crystal-clear quality.

AVer Solutions that Support Intelligent Director

If you’re searching for a solution to solve issues of overlapping faces and bad camera angles in hybrid meetings, there are basic, intermediate, and advanced multi-camera AVer solutions for different types of needs. The basic solution combines the VB342 Pro and two CAM520 Pro3 cameras, suitable for small to medium-sized meeting rooms with basic intelligent director functionality. The intermediate solution features the VB350 and two CAM550 cameras, suitable for medium to large-sized conference rooms. The advanced solution is a powerful set of cameras, with three PTZ310UNV2 cameras set up in large spaces like lecture halls, auditoriums, and convention halls that require state-of-the-art camera technologies and NDI® standard for streaming and recording.


The dynamic landscape of hybrid collaboration demands adaptable solutions, and the video conferencing industry intends to craft solutions that overcome the challenges of remote collaboration. These innovations, from single-device setups to sophisticated multi-camera configurations, not only address issues of visibility and camera angles but also signify a crucial step toward fostering inclusivity and productivity in the modern workspace. With the integration of AI features like Zoom Intelligent Director, organizations can navigate the intricacies of hybrid meetings with superior imaging and automated solutions. Through collaborative endeavors with Zoom, AVer's range of solutions aims to optimize virtual collaboration transcending physical boundaries and ensuring a more connected and effective future for teamwork.