The term hybrid learning has shaken the status quo of a classroom, establishing itself as a ‘new normal’ for education environments. As teaching in a virtual and in-classroom space becomes a default, giving both student groups adequate attention and timely support remains a challenge. Even experienced teachers can get overwhelmed, ignoring one cohort or not supporting both effectively.

Flexible learning such as hybrid learning, blended learning and remote learning is here to stay. Thus, it is vital that learning spaces adapt to the new ways of teaching and learning. While we may have stumbled our way across the pandemic with the off-the-shelves webcams and microphones, low-quality video and sound don’t cut it in a post-pandemic world. Well-thought-off AV technology helps to ensure effective and seamless learning regardless of the location.

Integrating new technology into classrooms that require time for training may sounds daunting. But in reality, high-quality AV technology is designed to be installed swiftly, be comprehensive and easy-to-use from the moment you turn it on. AVer provides education solutions that blends in, elevating classrooms and other learning environments.

Google Classroom steps in during COVID-19

A free platform designed for teachers and students, Google Classroom offers many functions including communicating with students, organizing class events, and managing access to learning materials. Its intuitive interface makes setup and log-in a matter of minutes. The rich ecosystem, ranging from Google Docs, Forms, Slides, and Drive to Gmail, makes for a highly consistent and efficient experience—one log-in for everything. The optimized workflow has made it the answer to teachers worldwide and the No.1 Learning Management System (LMS). Even users of competing solutions can see the benefits of integrating elements of Google Classroom into their class setup.

Not quite enough in recording and sharing

Comprehensive as it is, Google Classroom is still not a magic cure to seamless teaching and learning. Although teachers can record live videos and upload the content onto YouTube, serving as a library for teaching materials, Google Classroom itself doesn’t work as a replacement for a stand-alone video platform. Educators’ time is precious, they shape the future professionals their students one day will become. In between lesson planning, marking, teaching, teacher-parent conferences, and everything else, uploading recorded sessions or learning materials add another stressor to their day.

Regardless, Google Classroom is a valuable complimentary solution to education environments to boost engagement and learning experiences. It does, however, lack interactive and immersive tools to fulfil hybrid learning requirements.

Visualizer, updated

A visualizer and a camera head for streaming are common teaching aids for typical K12 classrooms. A visualizer is great for taking close-up snapshots, making it handy whenever highlighting details of an object or a specific line in the textbook for the entire class. A camera head, designed for recording or streaming teaching sessions, is convenient for an in-class review or after-class access. Together with Google Classroom, both are essential in creating effective interactions between teachers and learners.

Integrated to Engage

Designed way before the pandemic, most legacy solutions deliver less than optimal experiences. Post-COVID solutions are considered to be more inclusive, facilitating students in different spaces and fostering collaborations across distances. One common trait shared by these solutions is that they fill gaps left by major service providers. AVer's 2-in-1 visualizer A30 and its bundled program AVerTouch illustrate how integration could further user convenience—all Google services under a clean interface for easy access.

On-the-spot backup & share

The A30 and AVerTouch package also optimizes the workflow, keeping unnecessary waits, moves, log-ins, and switching between tasks and services at a minimum. This ensures that the teaching and learning is centerstage. Saving time and effort, A30 can be set to auto-sync and upload captured files to Google Drive automatically. It drastically minimizes teachers’ after-lesson workloads, who, otherwise, have no choice but to squeeze backup tasks into their breaks while rushing between classes. A30 has an edge over other visualizers with its built-in AI, offering real-time image correction, ensuring all images are up-right, whether the camera head is flipped up or down. Designed to enhance class interactions, experiment processes, and Q&A sessions, the A30 offering is a solid partner for effective learning in any hybrid setting.