No longer are projectors and VHS players locked up in a room at school, only to be rolled out by the audiovisual club on special occasions. Today, the world is going digital faster, and educational technology is keeping pace. Quickly passing are the days of pencils, spiral notebooks, and chalkboards. Educational technology (Edtech, for short) is steadily revolutionizing education and expanding the boundaries of learning, with a wide range of digital tools to support and improve learning outcomes, not only in traditional classrooms but also in online learning environments and beyond.

The Emergence of Edtech

From the invention of personal computers, the internet, learning management systems, smart devices, VR/AR technology, and now with AI coming to the forefront, these advancements represent the continuous evolution of not just technology but also education. So where will this technology-driven education take us? Just about everywhere at any time.

Types of EdTech:

  • Hardware: From updated computers, projectors, visualizers, tablets, and interactive smartboards, streamlining the way materials are taught to entirely new concepts of hardware entering the classroom. Document cameras, VR/AR headsets, robotic kits, coding and programming tools, not to mention 3D printers and STEM learning kits, are the top of the iceberg when it comes to bringing brand new elements to learning as a whole.
  • Software: Google Classroom, AVerTouch, Kahoot!, ClassDojo, and Scratch, to name a few, are part of the new wave of software allowing students to not just interact with other students and teachers in new and more convenient ways but with the educational material itself.
  • Digital Education Content: Digital textbooks, online courses, podcasts, interactive simulations, online assessments, as well as educational apps are just some ways new material is being developed to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of technology.

Edtech Benefits

Edtech's pivotal role in breaking down barriers and opening the door for new educational opportunities brings a world of potential with it, and new advancements coming every step of the way.

  • Geographical Accessibility: Edtech transcends geographical boundaries, enabling learners from remote or underserved areas to access quality educational resources without the need to be physically present in a traditional classroom setting. This geographical flexibility expands learning opportunities for individuals who may not have local educational institutions nearby.
  • Inclusive Learning Environments: Edtech promotes inclusivity by providing tailored learning experiences for students with diverse learning needs, abilities, and backgrounds. Technology tools like video conferencing and auto-tracking enhance accessibility for learners with disabilities, ensuring they can engage effectively with educational content.
  • Flexible Learning Modalities: Edtech is consistently breaking the mold and offering flexible solutions for learning, allowing students to learn anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace. This flexibility accommodates diverse schedules, commitments, and learning styles.

Now is the time to embrace the future of education, a future that allows new access to the brightest minds on the planet with limitless potential, all in the blink of an eye. With Zoomers already holding a world of knowledge in their hands 24/7, in the form of smartphones, still too much of their time and energy is being devoted to vapid content, which only serves to entertain. It is time to hone the power of emerging Edtech so as not to decrease the attention span of the next generation (currently 8 seconds). Instead of blindly accepting the trends of the day and the words of "influencers" as fact, more inroads must be made to utilize Edtech so as to make the next generation, one that is not only tech-savvy but analytical, curious as well as full of innovative problem solvers. Engaging with Edtech is key to unlocking the doors to the knowledge of tomorrow, today.
