For basketball fans, one of the most exciting times of the year is the month of March, when the annual college basketball playoffs take place. The event pits the top 68 teams in the country against each other in a single-elimination tournament that dominates the US sports scene from start to finish.

This huge event is extremely entertaining, but it’s also an excellent chance for you and your company to do a little self-reflection about the way you handle remote communication. The lessons in teamwork and competition that will be on display this March reach far beyond the basketball court, all the way into your meeting room.

International Collaboration

In recent years especially, the tournament has gained international popularity. The teams themselves roster players from all over the world, and, according to the league’s website, the 2018 tournament was watched all the way through by fans in 180 countries. Drawing from a global talent pool and attracting worldwide viewership is rather beneficial for this billion-dollar industry.

Likewise, your company would be remiss to ignore the talent resources and potential profit that exist in massive amounts outside the borders of your particular country. Developments in video conferencing equipment and communication platforms make every corner of the world more accessible than ever before in history, which means you have no excuse for not having a global reach. If a university in the middle of nowhere in the US can pull a talented center from Australia to improve its chances of winning, you can certainly take the time to click a button and have a face-to-face meeting from the comfort of your office.

High Stakes

One loss is all it takes to get bounced from the tournament. These high stakes create peak thrill for viewers, and they can make or break careers of coaches and athletes on the court. That win-or-go-home sense of urgency is easily applicable to your own business dealings.

Sometimes you only have one chance to make a sale or develop a mutually beneficial relationship with a supplier. You don’t want to waste that on a halfhearted effort with a non-video call or a low-quality experience driven by subpar equipment. In the tournament, starters play longer minutes than they do in the regular season, as coaches want to extend their most talented players and put their team in the most advantageous position possible. In the same way, you can make sure you’re putting your best foot forward with professional audiovisual equipment designed specifically for the type of meeting rooms you use. For example, you can equip your huddle room with the VB342+, which is optimized for such spaces with an extra wide FOV and the latest in smart functions.

Competing With Giants

Thanks to the single-elimination format, the tournament typically features upsets of major basketball universities by tiny schools. Often those small schools are able to build their programs based on just one tournament run. These success stories provide valuable inspiration for anyone willing to pay attention.

Smaller companies may feel like those underdog schools facing rosters full of five-star recruits who are already ticketed for the NBA once the tournament ends. But that’s no reason to give up. There’s no reason your organization can’t be the Cinderella story of your industry, especially when you have access to the same video conferencing technology as the huge companies with which you compete. Conferencing solutions are becoming increasingly affordable, and they can get you in the door for meetings in any market in the world. It won’t be easy to beat out a multinational corporation for a contract or a sale, but with the latest remote communication equipment on your side, you’ll be ready to make the most of every opportunity.

AVer for the Win

Whether you’re operating an SME or a Fortune 500 company, AVer has the technology you need to compete in the never-ending tournament that is the global marketplace. Ensure you have the best video conferencing equipment so you can tap into the international talent pool, thrive in high-leverage situations, and make a name for yourself among the major players in your industry.

From the compact CAM340+ 4K huddle room camera to the massive EP65 All-in-One Touch Display, there’s an AVer solution for every type of remote collaboration and any size of meeting room. These affordable solutions easily pay for themselves by reducing business travel and enabling remote work to minimize the amount of office space you need. Let the 2020 version of the college basketball playoffs inspire you to take your company to new heights with better video conferencing.