Education technology is truly a multipurpose tool that teachers can use to cultivate students of all learning styles. In this series, we’ve already plumbed the depths of visual, verbal, aural, logical, physical, and social learners, and one style remains: solitary learners.

What Is a Solitary Learner?

Solitary (or intrapersonal) learners need their teachers to guide them through self-study. Award-winning educational publisher Shmoop defines intrapersonal students in this way:

“They do their best thinking uninterrupted by others. They enjoy making their way through a project from beginning to end without having to consult anyone or achieve group consensus. They cringe when they hear the words, ‘Count off by threes.’”

Students with this learning style are likely to be found studying alone in the corner of the library or in the peace and quiet of their bedrooms. EduTech is exactly what they need to help them squeeze the most out of their solitary studies.

How Does EduTech Help Solitary Learners?

Many solitary learners are introverts who struggle with social situations, including group projects and field trips. Education technology allows them to traverse avenues of knowledge that they might have otherwise avoided. See exhibits A, B, and C below:

  • Ever-improving education technology enables more and more advanced distance learning, which can be ideal for the introverted knowledge seeker. AVer Pro AV cameras feature the latest in AI smart functions—including auto framing and auto tracking—to enable effortless remote learning. With the aid of livestreaming and broadcasting software, these devices help deliver endless content for home studying.
  • Another way technology helps solitary learners is by making a wealth of self-study materials in educational apps and other resources always available online. Christine Feher at EmergingEdTech suggests several productivity apps that enable solitary learners to organize their self-study, including visual brainstorming app MindNode.
  • AVer’s M15W visualizer is a solitary learner’s refuge in a classroom filled with group discussions. It’s super lightweight and compact, and it connects wirelessly to a tablet, so users can easily take it somewhere quiet. Also, the M15W can be synced with cloud libraries for simultaneously backing up any images or video taken in class. Teachers can then share access to those libraries with intrapersonal learners for studying at home.

Solitary learners may like to be alone when they study, but with EduTech they’ll never be lonely. Click the button below to explore AVer’s solutions for engaging your intrapersonal students.