Pro AV cameras are known for their part in broadcasting major events, such as Hollywood awards shows and international esports competitions. However, there are many other applications you might not have considered.

For instance, education-industry organizations are major consumers of pro AV equipment. Schools are using PTZ cameras in classrooms, theaters, and arenas to deliver educational and entertainment content to viewers all over the world.

In the Classroom

PTZ cameras are installed in classrooms for various types of distance learning. Scenarios include long-distance programs, eLearning courses, and overflow accommodation:

      • Long-distance programs – Many people graduate from high school and college without ever attending a physical class. Pro AV cameras track presenters, zoom in on content, and make distance learners feel like they’re sitting in the room.
      • eLearning courses – On-campus students benefit from eLearning content posted online. Students who miss classes can easily catch up, and having access to lecture replays is ideal for studying and reinforcement.
      • Overflow accommodation – Unfortunately, you can’t clone your best teachers to accommodate growing demand for their classes. PTZ cameras in the teacher’s room broadcast to any overflow classrooms, and cameras in the overflow areas can zoom in on individual students so they can interact with the professor or their classmates.

Setups can be complicated—with control rooms and multiple camera operators—or as simple as a single auto tracking camera in a large classroom or auditorium.

In the Theater

Schools also use PTZ cameras in their theaters to record and livestream all kinds of performing arts productions and other special events. They use the content for promotion, sharing with students’ family and friends who can’t attend, and to give students portfolio content that helps them get jobs after graduation.

Universities all over the globe create such content. USA’s Indiana University School of Music livestreams concerts. On the other side of the planet, Australia’s Adelaide University recently broadcast a live science demonstration on their YouTube channel with everything from elephant’s toothpaste reactions to startling potato chip rockets (hat tip to QS Marketing).

In the Gym (or Arena)

Pro AV equipment gives schools the option to capture and stream all kinds of events in their gyms or arenas. This is common among universities, which broadcast high-level sports competitions on both local and national television, but even some high school sports are starting to get on TV.

When broadcasting sports, schools need only a PTZ camera or two with a production workflow system for switching between various angles, close ups, and wide shots. Even if such productions aren’t televised, they’re perfect for giving broadcasting students some real-world experience.

Pro AV cameras are ideal for recording and livestreaming in the classroom, theater, and gymnasium. Click the button below to get full details on some of the best PTZ cameras, auto tracking solutions, and remote controllers available.