
AVer Announces Distance Learning's Newest Portable Innovation

Taipei, Taiwan – December 16, 2021 – AVer Information Inc., the award-winning classroom technology provider, today announced the DL10 Distance Learning Tracking Camera , a small form factor tracking camera. This all-new small form factor delivers unprecedented freedom for teachers in the new normal of online classes and hybrid classrooms, and a fantastic distance learning option for budget-conscious schools and educators.


The unique design of the DL10 Distance Learning Tracking Camera conveniently fits into most bags, freeing online and hybrid learning teachers to work wherever they want with a weight of only 745 grams. The specialized design of the DL10 also makes it a perfect match for smaller or space-conscious classrooms, where a large and complicated camera setup is not an option.


The DL10’s unprecedented design also includes uncompromising functionality:


      • 6X Total Zoom: Perfectly balanced between classroom needs and school budgets, the DL10 features 6X total zoom. In an average-sized classroom, such as a standard K-12 classroom, the DL10 excels in its zoom capabilities, delivering crisp and clear images every class.


      • Industry-leading AVer AI: Famously accurate and easy to use AVer camera tracking AI is integrated with the DL10 Distance Learning Camera. This means easy lecture recording, camera tracking with the press of a button, and gesture controls with the needs of educators in mind.


      • Sleep Mode: Particularly designed for the protection of privacy. When the online class ends, the DL10 automatically reacts by switching off, and turning the camera down 90 degrees, allowing online teachers to easily separate class time and personal time.


      • Built-In Microphones: Purposefully created with teachers in mind, high quality microphone and noise suppression functionality is integrated in the DL10 for the enhancement of communication and the cancellation of disruptive noises common in a teaching environment, such as the teachers’ books, keyboard, and mouse.


      • Gesture Control: Remove touchpoints and intuitively guide the DL10 using hand movements, even while teaching. DL10 Gesture Control allows teachers to focus on their classes without having to run back and forth between a computer and whiteboard, while still maintaining hygiene standards necessary for a classroom environment.


The DL10 sets hybrid and online educators free from the hassles of poor-quality cameras, such as laptop cameras, and finally gives teachers the freedom to easily teach online from anywhere, and conveniently lead hybrid classrooms and students into the future.


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