
Transform Traditional Classrooms into High-Tech Learning Spaces With AVer’s Interactive Control Box

Taipei, Taiwan – January 7th, 2020 – Keeping up with the rapid changes in education technology is now as easy as mounting a small control box on the classroom wall, thanks to AVer’s latest innovation. The AVer CB-310 Interactive Control Box is an Android™ hub that enables interactive learning by connecting student and teacher devices for sharing and collaborating.


Educational organizations no longer need to budget for expensive annual technology overhauls. AVer’s CB-310 extends the life of equipment already found in virtually all classrooms by connecting to TVs, IWBs, monitors, projectors, and visualizers, either wirelessly or through a wide range of I/O ports. Users can download educational apps and other content directly to the control box and easily share it directly to student tablets and notebooks, personalizing lessons for each learner. Also, the CB-310 seamlessly integrates into the classroom without disrupting established teaching habits, with easy switching between a Windows® PC or laptop and the Android control box by pressing a button on the unit or remote control.


Embedded with ScreenShare technology, the CB-310 enables wireless mirroring of up to four screens simultaneously. This creates an environment of fully engaging collaboration in which smartphones, tablets, and laptops can all be used for interactive presentations or brainstorming sessions. Instead of simply playing a video, a teacher can split the screen to show supplemental content at the same time. Additionally, AVer Display Management software offers remote control of CB-310s, including settings adjustment, powering on and off, managing user IDs, and scheduling firmware updates. The software even makes internal communication more efficient by allowing users to broadcast system messages.


The CB-310 also helps teachers and administrators stay organized. Users can set a custom background and up to six shortcuts for convenient access to their favorite apps. When multiple teachers use the control box, they can each store their class content safely behind personal-ID access and avoid mixing up or losing information. Instantly upgrade your organization and prepare for the future by installing a CB-310 Control Box in every classroom.


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